
Arizona Major League Alumni

Executive Committee

Lou Klimchock, President

Cisco Carlos, Vice President

Bart Zeller, Secretary / Treasurer

JayD Schlueter, In Memoriam

Advisory Committee

Jerry Kleven

Pete Conforto

Kevin Kobel

Legal Counsel

Scott Burns

Board Members

Amy Ashbaugh
Bill Hyland

Bill Melton

Bob Lacey

Brian McNichol

Byron Browne

Jack Heidemann

Ken Phelps
Ken Rudolph

Leon Brown

Monte Bolinger

R.L. Boyd
Ron Davis
Scott Takinen

For more information about getting involved with the Arizona Major League Alumni,

Your involvement will be appreciated.

Or send contact information to:

contact Lou Klimchock, President AZMLA
at 480-600-2188

Contact information:

Arizona Major League Alumni,
8876 South Myrtle Ave.
Tempe, AZ 85284